Wolfpack Youth Lacrosse

Welcome to Wolfpack lacrosse.

Wolfpack lacrosse is a member of the Bay Valley Lacrosse Association (BVLA). The BVLA consists of teams from Appleton, Green Bay, Kimberly, Oneida, Pulaski, Neenah, and Wausau.


You must register first with USA Lacrosse and then return to this Registration Session to signup. If you have not already signed up with USA Lacrosse, please follow these steps:

Step 1: Obtain a US Lacrosse Membership

  • If you do not have a current USA Lacrosse Membership go to USA Lacrosse and sign up: Click me
  •  Each athlete must have their own unique USA Lacrosse membership

Step 2: Return to this registration and proceed. Later in this registration session you will need to enter the US Lacrosse Membership ID that you received in Step 1.


Wolfpack Lacrosse offers teams at:

Boys - 8U*, 10U, 12U, & 14U

Girls - 10U* & 14U


Practices will start in Early April with the season ending in early June.


Practices start indoors at the Greenheck Turner Community Center. Outdoor practices are held at Thom Field or Wausau East.


Teams practice 2-3 times per week.


Games are held on Sundays from April to May with a final tournament in early June.


Uniforms are provided with a $50 deposit check. Shorts are included in the price and players keep them after each season.

Frequently Asked Questions

How are teams created?

Teams are created using the USA Lacrosse Age Matrix and are by school year. Typically, Wolfpack lacrosse hosts one team at each level listed above.

*8U boys & 10U girls may be asked to play up to higher levels depending on numbers. Please reach out if you have questions.

Do you offer multiplayer discounts?

Yes, there is a $20 discount per additional player registered in Wolfpack Lacrosse. Use the coupon "SibDiscount" for each additional child.

*Failure to do so will result in a forfeiture of your Family’s discounted rates.

Do you offer free registration?

Wolfpack lacrosse is able to offer discounted registrations on a case-by-case basis. Please reach out to wolfpackyouthlacrosse@gmail.com if you are in need of assistance.


2025 Boys and Girls youth lacrosse registration.

Early Bird Discounts! Save up to $50.

▪ Now – Feb 1 rates increase $25

▪ Feb 2 – Feb 16th rates increase $25

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